A journey
from the heart.

A journey
from the heart.

Apotek Hjärtat

My role Design Lead, UI Design, UX Design    Agency Thinkable / Forefront

Healthcare is undergoing a massive digital transformation. The way we seek care, keep track of our health, and get prescription medications and other products is all moving much closer to each individual. The pace of change in customer behaviour and demands makes it a very exciting field to work in.

At Apotek Hjärtat I led the UI and UX design of their e-commerce website. My work included conceptualising different main features of the website (such as front page, product pages, checkout page, search, filter, brand pages), designing UX and UI, prototyping, testing, and raising the bar of design maturity within the team. While working on Apotek Hjärtat's website their sales online increased dramatically, simultaneously the brand recognition surpassed the other pharmacy groups in Sweden.

Note: Some of the work presented are still in development.

Digital identity

When Apotek Hjärtat launched their new brand identity, I helped them to digitalise their identity. Page by page, we updated the user experience and the design, this was also the start of a design system.

Header Desktop / Before

Startsida – Desktop Old

Header Desktop / After

Startsida – Desktop New

Component library

Design System

Checkout page

A checkout page is one of the most important pages, if not the most important page, of an e-commerce website. The old checkout page was cluttered with too much details, which could make the customer confused, and in worst case not continue the purchase.

The new checkout page has a simplified flow and design so the customer's needs – to have a clear overview of a potential purchase – is fulfilled while also more purchases went through.

Mobile / Before

Checkout – Mobil 1

Mobile / After

Checkout – Mobil 2


Checkout – Mobil 3

Desktop / Before

Checkout – Desktop Old

Desktop / After

Checkout – Desktop New

Category page / Partnership page

To make it easier for Hjärtat's customers to browse through the pharmacy's great selection of items, we updated the hero space, and search filter feature, of each page. With the new update the pages will be more accessible on all devices, and also amplifies the presence of Hjärtat's partners on the website.

Category page / Before

Product page – Mobil Old

Category page / After

Product page – Mobil New 1


Product page – Mobil New 2

Category page / Before

Product page – Desktop Old

Category page / After

Product page – Desktop New

Partnership page / Before

Partnership – Mobil Old

Partnership page / After

Partnership – Mobil New 1


Partnership – Mobil New 2

Partnership page / Before

Partnership – Desktop Old

Partnership page / After

Partnership – Desktop New

Selected Works

Apotek HjärtatUX Design / UI Design

Dagens industriUX Design / UI Design

DevoteamMotion Design